Hanny Conrad * June 10, 1944 † December 29, 2010
Hanny was born on June 10, 1944 as the fourth of six children of Marie and Christian Saxer. The parents ran a small farm in Unterindal, in the municipality of Lütisburg in Toggenburg. Hanny was a bright, happy girl. She enjoyed a carefree, happy childhood. Their fantasies of playing were limitless, be it indoors or outdoors. Hanny also had a “social” streak from an early age. Now and then she even gave away her most beautiful doll to friends who didn't own one. In her free time, she also did shopping for single or elderly neighbors.
Childcare became her favorite hobby. After school, quickly done the homework, pressed down the snack - and Hanny was gone again! It happened that she looked after up to four children at a time. The children loved Hanny and their parents also valued her as a conscientious and efficient babysitter.
Since Hanny felt a deep vocation for children, she decided to train as a daycare worker and later also as a daycare manager. In Zurich and Basel she deepened her professional knowledge. She was happy to have reached her goal. A turning point came in her life in Basel. She met her future husband. Together they moved to Winterthur, where Hanny worked on a private basis as a childcare worker. After her marriage, she worked in the children's department of the cantonal hospital in Winterthur until her first son André was born in October 1969.
In 1971, a short time later, the Conrad family moved to the Lucerne area. She was initially at home in Ebikon, then in Reussbühl and from 1973 in Obergütsch in Lucerne. The family quickly took root in Lucerne. In 1974 Claudio, their second son, saw the light of day. She was a caring mother to her children and her greatest happiness. She did everything to ensure that they got what was important and necessary to get through their lives
The younger Claudio was only seven years old when she decided to pursue her professional skills again: she turned to childcare again. In 1981 she opened her first crèche in a former kindergarten on the Oberguetsch in Lucerne: the"muesli castle". Barely a few weeks had passed and Hort was already overflowing - so full that she had to get help. From 1983 onwards, a colleague assisted her with after-school care. At that time they were completely dependent on themselves to further develop their project; Back then, childcare was not a political issue at all. Hanny's ambition to be able to run an after-school care center on her own was completely fulfilled. After a few years, children from all over the canton of Lucerne came to see her because everyone felt so comfortable there. For Hanny, this day-care center was the fulfillment of her professional dream.
In the meantime, the legislature has also started to deal with the issue of child care. Ordinances were issued to regulate professional childcare. Hanny took up the challenge and decided without further ado to open a professional day-care center in accordance with state regulations: die"muesli castle". In 2001, Hanny first rented an apartment on Horwerstrasse in Lucerne, followed shortly thereafter by two more apartments, to enable as many parents as possible to have their children"muesli castle" . Instead of "Hort" man said "daycare". But again, all three were within a short time"Müsliburgen" brimming with lively children. the"muesli castle" Luzern has meanwhile become a concept of quality in the field of child rearing and the concept of day care centers. Although the political authorities tried again and again to make more or less sensible provisions, Hanny never let himself be crushed. She went her own way, undeterred, and the day care centers"muesli castle" became so popular that long waiting lists were the order of the day.
In the further history of her daycare her son Claudio became a helpful and important support. In 2001 he took over the management of the"muesli castles"; For her part, mother Hanny dedicated herself all the more intensively to the work in the day-care center.
Some people ask themselves: How come something like this? A small episode from her life may make this clear. When she was on vacation, on any beach in this beautiful world, it wasn't ten minutes before four or five children were crowding around her. She must have had a charisma on children that acted like a magnet on the environment. Such a charisma is really unparalleled.
In early 2008, a diagnosis revealed that Hanny was suffering from breast cancer. It was clear to her: "Chemo is out of the question for me!" She decided to fight her breast cancer with the help of complementary medical methods. And she defeated him too – at least for the time being. Because her newfound happiness didn't last long. In the summer of 2009, in the middle of the holidays in Spain, she developed pain in her neck and hips. An examination at the University Hospital Zurich discovered metastases in her body. Despite the initial shock, Hanny was ready to fight cancer again. At least the doctors managed to get the metastases under control to some extent without having to restrict Hanny's freedom of movement too much. But after just a few weeks, the neurologists discovered deposits of the insidious disease on the meninges.
Even if nothing more could be done medically to heal, Hanny used the time to prepare herself internally for the big farewell. She passed away on December 29, 2010. The mild smile on her face seemed to say: Don't be afraid! He called me - I'm in good hands. Carry on my legacy!